Alan Wu

Howdy! Thanks for stopping by! Im Alan and I have a 2020 Subaru WRX STI Limited who goes by the name Kakashi. I actually made the purchase of Kakashi on 07/26/2022.
Ever since i was in Junior High School, i had always wanted the Subaru 2.5 RS. those cars looked and sounded super unique and I always had a thing for uniqueness.
Growing up in NYC, it wasnt always easy to spot cars like that because of its rarity. Most families had minivans or SUVs to bring arouns their whole family and my family wasnt any different from that. My family had Dodge Caravans, Plymouth Voyagers and Mercury Villagers as i was getting older and entering Junior High School. I never really knew anything else besides those kind of cars because thats what all the neighbors had and mostly what i saw in my neighborhood. As i was walking to school one morning, i saw this small, white, 2 door vehicle drive by and I rememeber thinking...That car is VERY DIFFERENT!!! Thus, thats how my interest in cars began. I made it a point to know makes and models of vehicles just by looking at the body style from all different angles. I would test myself by looking at cars parked along the sidewalk and try to guess what kind of make and model the vehicle was before i even got close enough to confirm.
Life growing up hadn't always been easy. My family wasnt wealthy. We lived off government assistance and we were also 1 of the only asian familes in our town at that time. English was a very difficult language to learn for myself especially, due to being from another country. It seems that if you find people who dont speak the same language, but have the same or similar interests, you can always find a way to connect. Thats what i did to start learning the language, i used car names, makes and models to really get down the english language.
I have owned a Ford Ranger, Volkswagon GTI MK3, Subaru Impreza Wagon and Now, a Subaru WRX STI. I started to get into modding and fixing cars up once i had gotten my VW GTI. Learned a few things here and there and moved onto JDM platform. Learned more about car parts and what their purposes are for some of the specific parts. It was fun getting to work on my own rides and getting my hands familiar with thebins and outs of each vehicle I've owned. The STI is actually the first car i have considered and have actually modded. I started out with a Stage 1+ Big SF intake kit from COBB, COBB AP and a GFB Respons Hybrid BPV/BOV.
- KillerB Dual Resevoir
- KillerB AOS
- KillerB Shift Knob
- Radium Dual Hanger
- IBR STI fuel line
- Visconti Speed Density Kit
- ETS TI Intake Kit
- Kartboy Short Shifter
- ATX-30 RS Battery w/ MeLe designed Battery Holder
- P2P Stage 5 Billet Closed Long Block
As a person who works in healthcare, I try to give back as much as possible by Volunteering my off days to EMS. There is nothing more rewarding that helping others in need. We, as human beings, are genectically designed to help others. I also have signed up to be an Organ Donor, Bone Marrow Donor and Donate Blood on a regular basis. I am a firm believer that If you help enough people, your own problems start to go away.
I am here to represent Jen Speed because I believe that this group is has a Very unique goal: To unite Car Enthusiasts and help everyone in need. Whether its questions about certain platforms, walkthroughs on builds or even just everyday life events. I haven't seen a tighter knit circle anywhere else. I will continue to do what I can to help others reach their goals.
Josh, for being the person he is and always willing to help and clarify any questions i have.
Leng, for having all the bad experiences and living to tell us what not to do with our vehicles. :)
Aaron, for being the checks and balance i need for my modding list. The Guru mechanic and My buddy in crime to hit the World Record with.
There are a bunch of others that I want to mention, but afraid I've ran out of room. So here, ALL of the people who make Jen Speed what it is today. All have helped me get to where I am.
Thanks for taking the time to get to know me. Ill see you soon! :)
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