Cometicmulti-layer steel (MLS) headgaskets for the for the Mazda 2.3L MZRseries turbo engines found in the 2007-2009 Mazdaspeed3, are comprisedof three layers of stainless steel. Cometic uses stainless steel forincreased strength, it's ability to rebound, and superior corrosionresistance. The outer layers of the gasket are embossed and coated onboth sides with Viton rubber, to meet the demands of a variety of harshsealing environments, load conditions and surface finishes. Cometic'sViton coating is heat resistant to 250 degrees celcius or 482 degreesfarenheit. By design the MLS gasket promotes an even torque across thesealing surface allowing for measurable reduced bore distortion. Priceis for a single head gasket; select thickness below (.030 thk is theOEM gasket thickness).